Wednesday 15 December 2010

Thriller Location Images

 Canted shot connotes confusion.

 Graffiti connotes corruption and seedyness.

Shabby looking, estate style shopping area connotes a bad neighbourhood.
 Wet streets are a typical convention of thrillers.

Block of flats looks run down.

 Bare trees show that the area is lifeless.

These pictures were taken at our filming location by Maddie and myself.

Thursday 9 December 2010

Analysis Of The Opening Scenes In One Upon A Time in America (1984)

The concealment of the majority of her face highlights the parts that are visible while the light reflecting off the pearl necklace is a good use of chiaroscuro.
The light of the lamp is the same colour as her clothing, this connotes that there is some kind of symbiosis between the woman and the lamp. This is further implied when the light is turned out after she is killed. The rule of thirds is also used effectively.
The angle of the shot connotes that the men are in a much more powerful position. Also, her prone body at the bottom of the shot frames the rest of the scene very well, emphasising the importance of the men. Examples of typical noir style clothing are present, as this wass the most common type of clothing at the time the film is set.
A shot of the elevator shaft with the elevator descending connotes a sense of claustrophobia. This shows that the general outlook of the film is negative as several tragic events take place in a short time at the beginning of the film.

A canted worm’s eye first person view connotes several things. For example, the canted angle of the shot shows that the person from whom the view is being taken is disoriented. Also, the very low worm’s eye shot shows the man to be much stronger and more powerful.

Briefcases are a typical aspect of thrillers, especially noir, as they connote mystery. It is impossible to know what is in a briefcase without opening it and an entire story can be based on wanting to know what is in a suitcase alone.

*Pictures aren't uploading, I'll add them later.

Preliminary Task Storyboard

 Subject 1 walking towards doors.
 Subject 1's hand pushing open door.
 Subject 2's viewpoint of Subject 1 walking through door.
 Over-the-shoulder shot of Subject 2 from Subject 1's viewpoint.
Over-the-shoulder shot of Subject 1 from Subject 2's viewpoint.
 Final shot of Subject 1 and 2.

Summary Of Ideas For Original Thriller Plan

Open with girl walking down road
Cut to girl walking into shop complex
Cut to hoodies in the middle of the way out
Cut to shot of alleyway
Cut to girl walking into alleyway
Cut to shadow across girls face
Cut to large figure at end of alleyway
Cut to figure attacking girl
Cut to hoodies running towards alleyway
Cut to figure running away
Cut to hoodies trying to help girl
Cut to figure escaping in car
Cut back to hoodies trying to help girls; sirens in the background
Cut to hoodies running away
Cut to hoodies footprint in the mud