Sunday 30 January 2011

Preliminary Task Video

For our preliminary task film, we used a variety of filming techniques to make it have a more professional feel. These shot types allow the audience to better understand what is going on within the camera’s view. To make sure the audience does not become disorientated by the movement of the camera, a method called the 180® Rule is used. The 180® Rule makes an invisible line within the scene that the camera does not cross at any point. This prevents the audience from becoming confused by the sudden switch of all of the characters positions.
The second technique we used was match on action to make the audience feel a connection with the character. Shot reverse shot allows the audience to understand what the character can see when he is entering the room. Finally, an over-the-shoulder shot during the conversation shows who is talking to whom. This gives the scene an easy to understand feel as you know who to be paying attention to. As the two characters leave, the camera follows them until they are out of the door, giving the scene an appropriate end.

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