Monday 22 November 2010

Final Advert Evaluation

Several of the aspects of the advert are used to persuade potential customers to buy it. For example, the plane, which represents the customer, is shown high above the clouds. This connotes that using the product will bring success and allow the customer to experience a heightening of their social standing. Another example of this is the use of diagonals to bring the customers eyes towards the image of the product itself. The name of the product was chosen because it is a Latin word. The Latin language is commonly associated with extravagance and the upper echelons of society. This further enhances the connotation of success. The name itself has several meanings, “high, matured, great, deep, noble, ancient, old and secret”. All of these can be seen as a positive label to be associated with and therefore promotes the sense of being at the top. The combination of the name and tag, “Altus, the fragrance of success”, works because it rolls off the tongue and the tag itself highlights the selling point that the product will improve the customers’ life.

The advert would have been impossible had the aeroplane not been invented in the early 20th century. Nor would I have been able to get a sufficient picture of it if the capability of zooming in to take a picture was possible. The use of a digital camera made the taking and editing of the picture a much easier process while the Photoshop program allowed editing to become an extremely simple task.

In global media, the use of digital cameras allow for pictures to be taken in quick succession which mean that more can be captured. Photoshop gives the opportunity to edit a picture to alter its meaning or remove anything that may cause detriment to the pictures meaning. Unfortunately, this has also allowed pictures to be altered so much that things look completely different to the original image. This offers a skewed representation of what many people see as something they should aspire to. Also, the knowledge of how to use Photoshop means that people no longer see the magic of a picture which means that it takes more effort to make an advert that suitably interests potential customers.

The Internet and blogging allow anyone to express their opinions on anything. Therefore, anyone with similar ideas to another can communicate and express themselves in ways that they otherwise wouldn’t be able to. However, blogging can cause problems when someone with radically alternative views tries to sway people to see things in the same way as them and could lead to serious consequences.

The target audience of my product is the higher tiers of society. Aspirers, who want to feel they are at the top will consider the product an aid towards reaching the top, and Achievers, who are at the top and want to reinforce their social standing, are the primary target groups. As a result of this, the target group will fall into the A and B social groups, and will mostly be 30 plus.

The ideology behind the advert spurs from the connection of flying and succeeding, which is utilised in the plane flying high above the clouds. The best places to place the advert in order that the target audience see it are business districts of larger cities and on public transport going towards these areas. Another good place to put the advert is on billboards in major cities and on key motorways and roads. This will allow prospective customers to see the advert without having to go out of their way and will mean that there will be more time to buy the product without sacrificing time that could be spent improving their standard of living, in the case of aspirers, or maintaining it, for achievers.

1 comment:

  1. You have written well about the audience and the choice of name. Also you have thought carefully about the use of new technologies.
