Sunday 14 November 2010

Target Audience

The target audience of my product people who either have or want a sense of achievement. This includes, those in classifications A and B, as well as aspirers and achievers. Aspirers will feel that using the product will push them higher in life and will associate it with being achievers. This is because the plane is thousands of feet in the sky and connotes success. It is also aimed at achievers. These people are already at the top so they don't need to use a product that makes them feel higher. Instead, they want it because it reaffirms their status at the top. Similarly to this, it will also interest esteem seekers and strivers, according to the Insight Value Group scale. Both groups will be attracted to it due to the symbol of status that the product has. The advert appeals to the self-actualisation level of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs as it can boost self-esteem, self confidence and will make people who use the product feel like they are respected more.

1 comment:

  1. "solidifies" - maybe "reaffirms"

    You have used the deifferent models of profiling audience well and identify your target audience. Please post your final evaluation.
